CPT Upgrade in gem5

How to Use CPT Upgrade in gem5

The gem5 simulator is a powerful and flexible technology tool for simulating a wide range of computer architectures. Researchers and developers utilize gem5 technology to study and explore the performance of different systems under various conditions. One particularly useful feature is the CPT upgrade in gem5, which allows users to take checkpoints during a simulation, saving the state of the system at specific moments. These checkpoints can be restored later, allowing users to continue their simulations without starting from scratch. In this article, we will explore how to use CPT upgrade in gem5, covering its benefits, how to set it up, and key commands that allow you to manage checkpoints efficiently.

Why Use the CPT Upgrade in gem5?

Before diving into the technical details, it’s essential to understand why the CPT upgrade in gem5 is beneficial:

  1. Accelerated Simulation: The CPT upgrade in gem5 enables users to skip time-consuming phases such as boot processes or system initialization by restoring the system from previously saved checkpoints.
  2. Enhanced Flexibility: With checkpoints, you can save the state of a simulation at any point, enabling quick resumption of tests, debugging, or further analysis.
  3. Increased Fault Tolerance: In the event of a simulation crash, a saved checkpoint ensures you don’t have to start over. This improves reliability and saves time.
  4. Simplified Debugging: Checkpoints allow developers to pause and resume at critical points during a simulation, making it easier to track down bugs or analyze specific system behaviors.

Prerequisites for Using the CPT Upgrade in gem5

Before you begin learning how to use CPT upgrade in gem5, you need to ensure the following:

  • A Proper Installation of gem5: Make sure you have gem5 properly installed and built on your system. Refer to the official gem5 documentation for guidance on how to do this.
  • Checkpoint Support: Ensure that your gem5 build includes support for checkpoints, as this feature may not be available in custom or minimal configurations.
  • Familiarity with gem5’s Simulation Flow: A basic understanding of gem5’s simulation setup, including how to configure workloads and CPU models, will help in using the CPT upgrade effectively.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the CPT Upgrade in gem5

1. Creating a Checkpoint

The first step in using the CPT upgrade in gem5 is to create a checkpoint from a running simulation. This captures the entire state of the system, allowing you to restore and resume from that exact point later on.

To create a checkpoint, use the –checkpoint-dir option while running your gem5 simulation:


Copy code

build/X86/gem5.opt configs/example/se.py \

    –cpu-type=O3CPU –caches –l2cache \


Here’s what each part of the command does:

  • build/X86/gem5.opt: Specifies the gem5 binary for the target architecture (X86 in this case).
  • –cpu-type=O3CPU: Defines the type of CPU to simulate.
  • –caches and –l2cache: Enable caching in the simulation.
  • –checkpoint-dir: Indicates the directory where the checkpoint will be saved.

2. Restoring a Simulation from a Checkpoint

Once a checkpoint has been created, you can restore the simulation from that point at any time. This allows you to skip redundant phases of the simulation, such as booting or system setup.

To restore a checkpoint, use the –restore option along with the –checkpoint-dir flag:


Copy code

build/X86/gem5.opt configs/example/se.py \

    –cpu-type=O3CPU –caches –l2cache \

    –checkpoint-dir=/path/to/checkpoints \


This command will resume the simulation from the saved checkpoint.

3. Automating Checkpoint Creation

For longer simulations, you may want to automate the creation of checkpoints at regular intervals. This ensures that you have multiple restore points, which can be useful for long-term simulations or experiments that need frequent state saving.

To automate checkpoint creation, use the –take-checkpoints flag:


Copy code

build/X86/gem5.opt configs/example/se.py \

    –cpu-type=O3CPU –caches –l2cache \

    –take-checkpoints=10000000 –checkpoint-dir=/path/to/checkpoints

In this example, gem5 will automatically take a checkpoint every 10 million instructions, ensuring you have multiple snapshots for future use.

4. Creating Checkpoints at Specific Instructions

Sometimes, you may need to create a checkpoint at a particular instruction count. You can achieve this using the –at-instruction flag:


Copy code

build/X86/gem5.opt configs/example/se.py \

    –cpu-type=O3CPU –caches –l2cache \

    –at-instruction=50000000 –checkpoint-dir=/path/to/checkpoints

This command instructs gem5 to create a checkpoint when the simulation reaches 50 million instructions, providing a targeted snapshot of the system state.

5. Handling Multi-Core Checkpoints

If you are simulating a multi-core system, restoring checkpoints can become more complex due to core synchronization. The CPT upgrade in gem5 accommodates multi-core checkpoints, enabling you to specify the CPU model to use when restoring a checkpoint.

Here’s an example of restoring a checkpoint in a multi-core environment:


Copy code

build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/fs.py \

    –cpu-type=AtomicSimpleCPU –checkpoint-dir=/path/to/checkpoints \


In this command, the checkpoint was taken using the AtomicSimpleCPU model but is being restored using the TimingSimpleCPU model.

6. Managing Multiple Checkpoints

It’s often useful to create multiple checkpoints during a simulation. To keep track of them, you can organize checkpoints in directories based on their purpose or point in the simulation:

  • /path/to/checkpoints/checkpoint_boot
  • /path/to/checkpoints/checkpoint_after_workload
  • /path/to/checkpoints/final_checkpoint

By maintaining a clear structure, it becomes easier to restore the correct checkpoint later, streamlining your workflow.

 CPT upgrade in gem5

Best Practices for Using the CPT Upgrade in gem5

  1. Regularly Save Checkpoints: For longer simulations, it’s a good idea to take checkpoints regularly, ensuring you have multiple recovery points in case of a failure.
  2. Label Checkpoints Clearly: Always use clear and descriptive names for checkpoint directories to avoid confusion when managing multiple checkpoints.
  3. Verify Checkpoint Restores: After creating a checkpoint, restore it to verify that it works correctly. This ensures you won’t encounter issues later in the simulation process.
  4. Back Up Critical Checkpoints: For essential checkpoints, consider backing them up to prevent data loss or corruption.


The how to use CPT upgrade in gem5 feature offers an invaluable tool for accelerating simulations, increasing flexibility, and improving fault tolerance. By leveraging checkpoints, users can resume simulations from any point, skip over redundant processes, and debug systems more efficiently. Whether you are working with single-core or multi-core simulations, mastering checkpoint creation and restoration will significantly enhance your workflow. With these strategies on how to use CPT upgrade in gem5, you can confidently streamline your simulations, save time, and focus on the critical aspects of your research or development efforts.

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